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3 Ways Pregnancy Changes Things ‘Down There’ and How We Can Help

May 07, 2024
3 Ways Pregnancy Changes Things ‘Down There’ and How We Can Help
Pregnancy changes you in a lot of ways, both physically and emotionally. But what happens when you start to notice changes “down there”? Here we discuss how vaginal rejuvenation can restore your genital tissues. 

Pregnancy and childbirth are both miraculous processes. You’re able to grow and give birth to a whole other human with your body. 

So, it should come as no surprise that your body is going to go through some changes. 

You’re more than likely to have stretch marks on your belly, breasts, hips, and thighs. You may deal with abdominal muscle separation (diastasis recti) or a lower belly pooch. Other common pregnancy and postpartum complaints include hemorrhoids and shoe size changes. 

In addition, all the physical trauma that comes with carrying a child and giving birth can take a toll on your genital tissues. 

Because all of those changes can cause repercussions to not only your physical health but your self-esteem as well, Alan Greeberg, MD, and the rest of our team at North Texas Cosmetic Surgery in Frisco, Texas, want to inform you about what genital changes you might experience  and how we can address them with our vaginal rejuvenation services. 

1. You have a “loose” vagina

Vaginal laxity — otherwise coined a “loose vagina” — can happen due to the constant pelvic floor pressure from pregnancy and the vaginal stretching from childbirth. While some women don’t have any issues with vaginal laxity postpartum, going through several vaginal births or having a forceps delivery can make your vagina feel stretched out and lax. 

In addition, the muscles that keep your vaginal walls tight can start to wear out and have trouble “snapping back” after going through both pregnancy and childbirth.

Symptoms of vaginal laxity often include sexual dysfunction and reduced sexual satisfaction. It can also be easy to feel self-conscious about the changes in how your vagina looks. At North Texas Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Greenberg can tighten up the vaginal opening, restoring sexual function and your self-esteem as well. 

2. You have urinary incontinence

In addition to having vaginal laxity, the toll pregnancy and childbirth takes on your pelvic floor can also lead to urinary incontinence. If your inability to control your flow of urine lasts longer after the postpartum period has passed, vaginal rejuvenation could be the answer. 

By tightening the walls of your vagina, you should get some strength in your pelvic floor back and not have to deal with leaking urine when you laugh, sneeze, or exercise. 

3. Your labia changes in size

During pregnancy and childbirth, hormone fluctuations can cause your labia majora and minora to swell and change in size. Your labia majora may shrink back after childbirth, making your labia minora seem enlarged. 

The excess labial tissue can make wearing tight clothing or sexual intercourse uncomfortable or even painful. If this is the case for you, a labiaplasty or fat transfer using liposuction could be helpful for reshaping your labia’s inner lips. 

Dr. Greenberg may also perform a labiaplasty if you have recurrent yeast infections or urinary tract infections (UTIs) from the excess labial tissue. 

For more information on how vaginal rejuvenation can reconstruct your vagina or labia, contact our team by calling our office or schedule an appointment online today.