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Choosing the Right Implants for Your Breast Augmentation Surgery

Nov 10, 2023
Choosing the Right Implants for Your Breast Augmentation Surgery
If you’re looking into breast augmentation surgery, you’ll have to choose the kind that’s going to work best for you. We review the available kinds of breast augmentation here.

If you’ve been feeling self-conscious about your breast size or symmetry, breast augmentation might be right for you.

Breast augmentation — commonly referred to as a “boob job” — is the process of using breast implants or fat tissue in order to increase the size of your breasts. It’s also commonly used to restore lost volume or symmetry due to significant weight loss, pregnancy, or breastfeeding. 

At North Texas Cosmetic Surgery in Frisco, Texas, board-certified plastic surgeon Alan Greenberg, MD, and the rest of our team offers breast augmentation to help you achieve a fuller, more symmetrical chest. 

In this blog, we discuss all your breast augmentation options in order to help you decide which works best for you and your goals.

Your choices for breast augmentation

There’s three main options you have when you choose to go through a breast augmentation: saline implants, silicone implants, and fat transfers. Here’s a closer look at these different types:

Saline implants

Saline implants can be placed either fully under your chest muscles and breast tissues or over the muscle and behind your breast tissues. These implants are filled with sterile saltwater and can be filled after the implant has been placed. Saline implants are able to provide you with a very uniform shape and firmness.

Should the implant ever break or collapse after it’s been placed, your body can naturally absorb the saline solution and dispose of it.

Silicone implants

Silicone implants offer the same placement as saline implants, and Dr. Greenberg can determine which placement area will work best for you. These implants contain a silicone gel and have a very similar feel to natural breast tissue.

If you do choose silicone implants, you need to see our team regularly to make sure they’re functioning properly.

Fat transfers

If you’d like to avoid implants, our team offers a nonimplant breast augmentation option. We simply harvest fat from other areas in your body  — such as your belly, back, or thighs — using liposuction and inject it into your breasts.

This option works best for those who don’t want a drastic change in breast size and shape.

Why should you choose North Texas Cosmetic Surgery?

Dr. Greenberg is the only cosmetic surgeon in the area to offer aesthetic procedures that you can remain awake for. He still provides anesthesia so you don’t feel any pain, but you can see your results happening in real time and you can be involved in the entire process.

If you’re considering breast augmentation surgery and would like to know more about it or find out if you’re a good candidate for this cosmetic procedure, contact our office to set up a consultation. You can do this over the phone or online today.